Celebrate: Acknowledging that God is the greatest treasure who knows what is best. We live life in such a way that it brings glory to God at all times and in all that we do.
Connect: We are created to be part of God’s family, of which the local church is the expression. We are a community of multi-generational believers who identify as God’s family and care for the wider
Grow: Our lives are enriched through a personal relationship with Jesus. As we engage with Him, we are developed into the best version of ourselves, possessing the values, character and power of
Go: The new life Jesus has given us is for others. Jesus has sent us into our world to build intentional relationships with the goal to make disciples who make disciples.
Founding Scripture
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Statement of Faith
- The Authority of Scripture – We value the Bible as the full revelation of Jesus Christ and seek to approve all things according to the Word of God. We are committed to believing God to fulfil every promise contained in Scripture. (2 Timothy 3:16)
- The Lordship of Jesus Christ – We value our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ as our primary commitment and seek to serve Jesus as Lord through the whole of our lives. (Acts 2:36)
- The Power of the Holy Spirit – We value the empowering of the Holy Spirit as the essential enablement for ministry that would bear witness to Jesus. We seek to develop in the operation of all the gifts and graces of the Spirit given by God as supernatural equipment for the ongoing ministry of Jesus (Acts 1:8)
- The Command of Jesus to Make Disciples – We value the commitment to fulfil the Great Commission given by Jesus to the church, to preach the gospel to every person, seeking to draw them to become His disciples. We will seek to multiply this ministry through planting churches. (Matthew 28:18 – 20)
- The Uniqueness of the Local Church – We value the ministry of the Spirit through the local church and seek to express our faith by belonging to a local church and to exercise our ministry by the power of the Spirit as part of that Body. (Ephesians 1:22; Acts 2:40 – 47)
- The Unity of the Spirit – As local churches / ministries we seek the unity of the Spirit with every believer and with all churches / ministries that confess faith in Jesus Christ. We desire to cooperate with the other churches / ministries in our region in order to proclaim the Gospel to every person. (John 17:21; Ephesians 4:3)
- The Centrality of Worship – We value worship, as we seek to respond to God’s desire for a people who worship Him in Spirit and truth. (John 4:23)
- The Pursuit of Holiness – We are committed to becoming like Jesus. We desire that our personal lives and our relationships generally will reflect more and more of His character. (1 Peter 1:15)
- Caring for the Poor – We are commited to fulfilling the command of Christ to care for those special people in God’s sight whom the Bible refers to as “the poor”. (Matthew 25:31 – 46)
- The Institution of Marriage – We recognise marriage and family as the crucial basis for society, church and personal growth and are committed to excellence in this area. We recognise marriage as defined as the union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.
- Family – We recognise marriage and family as the crucial basis for society, church and personal growth and are committed to excellence in this area.